
Week 1:

 Monday - 07/23Tuesday - 07/24Wednesday - 07/25Thursday - 07/26Friday - 07/27
8:00 - 9:40 AMOpening Cerimony - WelcomeRoberto Zilles

Solar photovoltaic - Developments at IEE-USP
Claudio Pacheco and Soteris Kalogirou

Solar thermal - power systems
J. Simões-Moreira and Gerhard Ett

Fuel cell - working principles
J. Simões-Moreira and Gerhard Ett
hdrogen production and storage for fuel cells
9:40 - 10:10 AMcoffee breakcoffee breakcoffee breakcoffee breakcoffee break
10:10 - 11:50 AM
J. Aquiles Grimoni and Stefan Krauter

Introduction of solar photovoltaic. Basic Concepts of PV Solar Energy and solarimetry. Evolution of technologies and history
Roberto Zilles

Solar photovoltaic - technical visit laboratory of IEE-USP
Claudio Pacheco and Soteris Kalogirou

Solar thermal - power systems
J. Simões-Moreira and Gerhard Ett

Fuel cell - types, operational aspects, new trends and advanced technologies
J. Simões-Moreira and Gerhard Ett

Fuel cell - final usage. Automotive, Distributed generation
11:50 - 2:00 PMLunchLunchLunchLunchLunch
2:00 - 3:40 PMJ. Aquiles Grimoni and Stefan Krauter

Global evolution of facilities and industry, world market and costs

Claudio Pacheco and Soteris Kalogirou

Solar thermal - solar industrial process heat

Claudio Pacheco and Soteris Kalogirou

Designing and modeling solar energy systems

J. Aquiles Grimoni and Paulo Jorge Rosa Santos

Introduction to Marine Renewable Energies (waves, ocean currents, tidal currents, tidal range, ocean thermal energy conversion, salinity gradient, biomass, wind and sun)


J. Aquiles Grimoni and Paulo Jorge Rosa Santos

Wave Energy - Generation and propagation of ocean waves. Wave forecasting and hindcasting. Wave transformation in shallow waters (e.g., shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, breaking, run-up, overtopping). Methods to analyze wave records: time-domain zero-crossing techniques and frequency domain techniques (spectral analysis). Exercises
3:40 - 4:10 PMcoffee breakcoffee breakcoffee breakcoffee breakcoffee break
4:10 - 5:50 PMJ. Aquiles Grimoni and Stefan Krauter

Research and New Technologies


Claudio Pacheco and Soteris Kalogirou

Solar thermal - solar industrial process heat





Claudio Pacheco and Marcelo de Lemos

Turbulent Heat Transfer in Permeable Media with Application to Volumetric Solar Absorber Analysis





J. Aquiles Grimoni and Paulo Jorge Rosa Santos

Tidal Energy - Generation and characteristics. Tide records and tide forecasting. Resource assessment. Technologies for tidal energy harnessing and supporting structures: advantages and limitations. Best locations for tidal energy harnessing. Expected impacts - tidal currents versus tidal barrages. Exercises

currents, tidal range, ocean thermal energy conversion, salinity gradient, biomass, wind and sun).
J. Aquiles Grimoni and Paulo Jorge Rosa Santos

Wave Energy - Resource characterization. Technologies for wave energy harnessing: main challenges. Marine growth. Energy storage. Wave energy versus wind energy. Planning and modelling of projects for the exploration of marine energy: techniques in use. Physical modelling. Pilot testing sites. Economical analysis: Levelized cost of energy (LCOE).Exercises.


Week 2:

 Monday - 07/30Tuesday - 07/31Wednesday - 08/01Thursday - 08/02Friday - 08/03
8:00 - 9:40 AMSuani Coelho

Introduction to bioenerg
Suani Coelho

Demetrio C. Zachariadis and Zhen Gao

Introduction to wind power: history, state of the art, trends and challenges
project developmentPresentation of student work (in group)
9:40 - 10:10 AMcoffee breakcoffee breakcoffee break  
10:10 - 11:50 AMCharles Kinoshita

Advanced technologies for biomass energy conversion
Eric Larson

Biomass energy use - viability analysis
Demetrio Zachariadis and Zhen Gao

Dynamic Analysis, focusing on Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
project developmentPresentation of student work (in group)
11:50 - 2:00 PMLunchLunchLunchLunchLunch
2:00 - 3:40 PMCharles Kinoshita

Advanced technologies for biomass energy use
Eric Larson

Biomass energy use - LCA and value chain
Ahda Pavani and Katherine Dykes

Wind power: grid connection, loss reduction, wind farm optimization, control and operation of turbines and farms
project developmentPresentation of student work (in group)
3:40 - 4:10 PMcoffee breakcoffee breakcoffee break  
4:10 - 5:50 PMLuiz Cortez

Biofuels in Brazil
José Silveira

Some Applications in Bioenergy and Renewable Energy

Ahda Pavani and Katherine Dykes

Wind power: loss reduction, wind farm optimization, control and operation of turbines and farms
project developmentClosing Cerimony