On-line registration only:
Please, read the selection criteria below before registration. The selection will be based on those criteria.
Fill out the registration form (you can update your information later or to know the registration status by using your login). Attach files containing all the required documentation. Official school transcripts can be in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish. All others should submit the original document along with a free translation into either Portuguese or English.
Selected participating students will have air tickets and staying expenses covered by FAPESP, São Paulo state funding agency, up to the limit established by the agency. As a general rule the amount provided by the agency will be enough to fully cover all the expenses for most of the cases.
Selection criteria for the participating students are:
1 - Place of origin. At least 50% of students will come from institutions abroad;
2 - A balance between undergraduate, master, and doctoral students;
3 - Interest of the candidate to enroll in a postgraduation program in a university in São Paulo state;
4 - Analysis of any topic already developed by the candidate, such as final course project, master's dissertation or doctoral thesis, observing the affinity with the themes of the School;
5 -Candidate's academic record attested by his school transcript, as well the quality of publications in congresses and journals of impact, if any;
6 - Letter of recommendation from a professor or supervisor from applicant´s last institution.
- Check your spam box in case you do not receive a confirmation e-mail;
- Avoid last day registration due any potential problem with the internet.